
Sacred geometry symbols tattoos
Sacred geometry symbols tattoos

sacred geometry symbols tattoos

It is, after all, the synchronicity of the universe with mathematical constants, not to mention the blueprint of nature. It’s everywhere from pine cones to diamonds, snowflakes, and more. We are committed to go as far as possible in curating our trips with care for the planet. by Brian Cornwell Geometric Tattoos Take a look around, you’ll discover sacred geometry in more than just churches, temples, and monuments. We know that many of you worry about the environmental impact of travel and are looking for ways of expanding horizons in ways that do minimal harm - and may even bring benefits. Our Private Trips are fully tailored itineraries, curated by our Travel Experts specifically for you, your friends or your family. All three figures are derived from the same six sided geometry. It is the three dimensional equivalent of the hexagram, created by crossing two tetrahedron.


Our Rail Trips are our most planet-friendly itineraries that invite you to take the scenic route, relax whilst getting under the skin of a destination. D: The Merkaba: Like the Seed of Life and Flower of Life, the Merkaba is a contemporary name for an ancient geometric figure, popularized by the author Drunvalo Melchizedek. Our Trips are suitable for both solo travelers, couples and friends who want to explore the world together.Ĭulture Trips are deeply immersive 5 to 16 days itineraries, that combine authentic local experiences, exciting activities and 4-5* accommodation to look forward to at the end of each day. Located in Los Angeles, our tattoo artists have skillfully incorporated the sacred geometric symbol flower of life and a Celtic knot to create a captivating. That is why we have intensively curated a collection of premium small-group trips as an invitation to meet and connect with new, like-minded people for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in three categories: Culture Trips, Rail Trips and Private Trips.

sacred geometry symbols tattoos

Increasingly we believe the world needs more meaningful, real-life connections between curious travellers keen to explore the world in a more responsible way. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes certain places and communities so special. Since you are here, we would like to share our vision for the future of travel - and the direction Culture Trip is moving in.Ĭulture Trip launched in 2011 with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful - and this is still in our DNA today.

Sacred geometry symbols tattoos